15 September, 2008

This is not Shake 'N' Bake, Lady

Is this your economic policy? Hellooooo? I guess we should be grateful she didn't link it to her extensive energy policy experience...
(Sorry, I wasn't going to post anything other than a link to my new friend and fave blogger Jen who writes so intelligently and eloquently but I couldn't resist postin' this link)
From MSNBC.com:

The Alaska governor said that the fall of Lehman Brothers is “taking a toll on our economy” and that it needed some “shakin’ up and some fixin’.”

K, go read this lovely writing. Why people are not knocking down her door to write for them I do not know. But give yourself a treat and check it out:

1 comment:

just jen said...

you are TOO kind! or you're drunk! i say YOU should have the phone gingling off the hook. did you hear McCain use the line "shake things up"???? I SCREAMED and thought of you! did you listen to NPR with the panel of three women talking gender and the "Palin Effect"? I ran down my battery trying to get through to the switchboard. no luck. and it was SO stacked 3 against 1 - palin vs women with brains, not just ovaries.