13 September, 2008

Okay I am a child of the '70's

Growing up during the cold war, nuclear holocaust was always on my mind. (Those of you who know me well will not be surprised. Previously my main concerns were the Bogeyman in the closet and when the house caught on fire how would I a) get out and circa 1976 b) get myself and my infant sister out.) Listening to NPR the other morning they were discussing campaign ad of previous years. I began to think about this. McCain (and more scarily Sarah "no blink" Palin insert shudder here) will have the codes. Several countries not so friendly toward us (Russia, Iran etcetcetc) have the means to blow us up. I hate thinking about our kids living in fear like I (we?) did. Diplomacy first. By all means. Please consider the policies of the candidates when thinking about the future. Because someone with the same principles and advisors as the current administration would not necessarily be ready to pause in an altercation to try to find a better way first. See for yourself. Pause jukebox pls. (p.s. the ad did run prior to my being born and all, it just sets a tone I think that continues unfortunately.)
To see this and other ads, go to http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/. It's interesting how advertising invades almost every aspect of our lives, elections notwithstanding.

1 comment:

just jen said...

i heard this on NPR on the way to pick up Sam from school and started to cry. remember chernobyl (sp?)? i was living in Idaho when that happened and all the local news agencies were saying with wind currents, we could see radio active fallout...after all, a lot of their missle silos were pointed at our west coast - or so i remember them saying way back in the day. i remember spending hours laying on my back in my grandparents' yard, looking at the clouds, worried they were carrying something that was going to give me cancer or make my skin burn off. years later, when the wall came down, when the Cold War was declared dead, the clouds felt safe again. i am not being melodramatic when i say that these thoughts are keeping me awake at night. it is what makes me want to grab every Rep supporter/voter and shake them.