12 September, 2008

Pending Further Investigation

I'm taking down the posts related to the burglary for now. I think as it is currently being investigated and may be a bigger deal than originally thought, I don't want to treat it lightly. Mostly I don't want to put anyone in danger. So down they come. Most of you have heard the story, and if not give me a shout. If you call PJ you'll get a faster mph down the alley in his version. But anyway, when it is done, I'll post. For now, we're not talking burglary on this here blog.

1 comment:

just jen said...

crazy! the whole story. it just goes to show you how important it is to connect with others in your neighborhood - dare i say, communities. so much more security in knowing who your neighbors are and that you've got one another's back. hope it all resolves quickly. hugs!