18 September, 2008

Clarity please

So did he mean to disrespect the prime minister of Spain as one of his top aides would like us to believe? Or was he "confused" after being told the reporter was asking about Spain three times and thinking of someone in Latin America? For those of us who are concerned about foreign policy (of which Biden has oodles) as well as domestic and economic policy, please keep this in mind. Sounds like he might not win the argument that he is the best suited on foreign policy. And we won't even get into him going into Bush's office and telling him to throw the Iraqi government out the window. No sir. No Maverick. Is anyone else having trouble seeing the ads with his face and the word "change" on it, especially in light of recent events? He should have kept up with the inexperience card, but now that he's picked the she-wolf, that is out of the question.

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