17 September, 2008

Not putting my hard earned tax dollars into your bank, Johnny Mac

I do not understand:
a) Why yesterday McCain opposed the AIG bailout and today he supports it. (Whoops? Or does that fit into the fundamentally sound economy he thinks we're sporting around here?)
b) People are not freaked the heck out about McCain wanting to privatize Social Security. My meager 401k is down over $4000 within the last year alone. Consider the results of your toiling in the current economic environment!
c) Why McCain is talking about how Americans are such hard workers and deserve so much better. Really? Do you demur from your friend Phil Gramm who thinks this is just a mental recession and we (who make less than seven figures) should just stop whining? AND are people buying this crap? He has been in the Senate for so incredibly long that he should have done something about it like, oh, I don't know, NOT vote to deregulate everything that he did. Oh, wait, he changed his mind yesterday. Now we should be regulating. (Will he change his mind tomorrow?)
d) Will more of the press talk about the large parts of AIG that were solvent, even profitable? It was those blasted subprime loans. And there will be more to come, my friends. (Don't even get me started on that subject...)
e) Why is a man who was raised by a single mother and worked hard to get where he is today more elitist than a man who got into the Naval Academy courtesy of his father (graduated almost last in his class no less) and married into one of the wealthiest families in Arizona? And has houses all around the country? And kitchen tables too.
f) Between two men who graduated from Harvard why is the one who correctly pronounces "nuclear" the elitist? Shouldn't that be a requirement? I shudder to think they had Palin mispronounce it too to seem more populist. Let's say it together: Noooo Kleee Urrrr.
g) Why are we not talking more about health care? I, for one, don't want my family to rely on MCains healthcare plan (a tax rebate that doesn't increase with inflation) and the emergency room. Nor do I want to be grouped into the "subprime lending crisis" if one of us becomes incredibly ill and loses our house to make up for missing health care. Where are these people? Start talking !!!!!

My daughter is requesting video game time, and as she's been only mildly beligerrent today I will acquiesce. My brain hurts anyway. It's an incredibly beautiful fall day. Mid 70's and sunshiney. I mowed the back lawn yesterday with the reel mower and it worked out well. PJ mowed the front on Monday. That worked out really well for me because I severely dislike mowing the front, with the hill and the tree lawn. I'm going to see if we can make that a somewhat permanent arrangement with the caveat that sometimes PJ can mow the back too. (hehe)

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