03 July, 2011

Getting Ready for the In Laws!

So here I am in the guest room / office, getting ready to host our lovely Didi and Papa. Their poor room serves their purpose but once a year and gets the full cleaning / filing mountains of paperwork treatment about the same. The good thing is that I took a lovely nap this afternoon, so should be good to go for energy. But for some reason my heart is not in it. My heart is in hosting them, just not cleaning this room. It's an "I wish I could just twitch my nose and it's done" kind of thing. Which is not real for anyone other than Samantha. Or Tabitha. Or Endora. You get the gist.
Went shopping this afternoon and found two super cute dresses for about $32 total. Yup. And one will go with me when PJ and I escape our lives for two days and remember what it's like to be young and carefree and drive to OH (stay with me here) and celebrate the ten years of married bliss we've given each other. The trip to OH is actually great. We will stay in Columbus and see all the cute shops and eat sushi and drink saki then go to Hocking Hills State Park and see waterfalls and caves and scout out next year's Big Camping Expedition. Really I just want to be with him where it's quiet and I can be still and there's nothing that needs laundered and no one is hitting / screaming at / telling on anyone else. Just be. He and me.
So now I must go back to the filing the mountain of paperwork and see where we are on the laundry aspect of things. And stop blogging. And stop thinking about all the giant flour sack dish towels I have in the basement waiting to be embroidered. And wait patiently for the Nook to charge. And and and and and. Here's to all of you and your ands. Happy fourth friends.
ps does anyone speak cat? Lionel is very chatty tonight and seems unhappy that I am not responsive.