26 September, 2008

My Morning Interview with Sarah Palin

This morning I picked Ava up from school a little later than normal as she had a field trip. James and I parked across the street as there was no car line, and walked over to the school. We caught her as she got off the bus, and seemed only mildly interested to see us. We asked her how the field trip was. She did not respond.
We went to the classroom where the day's paperwork was distributed into various folders and backpacks, and when the class was dismissed, James, Ava and I walked to the car. Again, she did not answer any inquiries to her day. Finally, as we got loaded into the car, we had a conversation.

Me: What kind of things did you guys do at Safety Village?
Ava: We did some different kinds of things.
Me: Did you have a good time?
Ava: No, I didn't like Safety Village.
Me: Really? How come?
Ava: We learned about different rules. Rules are no fun.
Me: Sometimes having rules lets us be free to have more fun.
Ava: (really animated) NO! Rules are no fun. I don't like following rules!
Me: I understand. Can you tell me what rules in particular that you don't like?
Ava: No.
Me: Just rules in general?
Ava: Yes.
Me: Okay, besides learning rules, what other kinds of things did you do?
Ava: Nothing.
Me: You didn't drive in the little cars?
Ava: Yes.
Me: Did you go up the tower?
Ava: Yes.
Me: (struggling to remember what else I saw when we drove by Safety Village 4 months ago) What else?
Ava: Nothing.
Me: Okay, this is silly. If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay. Let's just have quiet time on the ride home.
Ava: (near tears) Mom! That really hurts my feelings!

I feel even more for Katie Couric. I think she performed better than I expected in the interview. I think Sarah Palin performed worse than I expected. I think Ava made more sense than Sarah Palin did, though.

Are you debate watching tonight? Please try. I know not all you guys have all this spare time (or interest) to surf the web and catch up on the very latest political news, even tho you get my opinion all day long. Watch and decide for yourselves. The country is depending on you. Watch and vote. And don't call the men in white jackets on me for yelling at the tv constantly. You might do a little yelling yourselves. Hopefully!

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