28 April, 2008

Normal Development: 5 Years Old

Again, courtesy of McKesson.
Ava did great for her exam. She showed her ability to state her full name (excluding the Special Little One- now that she's a big girl, that is just for us) and phone number. There was some hopping on one foot (one then the other) and counting to 20. There was walking a straight line (balance) and touching toes (checking straightness of the spine). There was some foot examining, and some comments on how the kids have the hook toe (I assured her, as my girl crush, that this was not from my side of the family:-)). There was a vision test (not a full one like at the optometrist which I have to schedule for her) and a hearing test (what?) and lots of questions, most of which she answered correctly by herself. Miss Ava P. weighs 41 lbs and is 43 inches tall. This places her in the 50th percentile for both. She was really good (there was a rough patch during James' exam when she wanted to be the center of attention again, since she was such a good patient and all!) and I think everyone who met her fell in love with her. How could you not? She did not get vaccinated due to the cost, but we found a place near the house that will do it for a substantially lower cost. So one of these days (probably after school is out in a month or so) we will head down there for her 4 and James' 1 shots. She is in great health, and is doing what she should be. Her weight was not a worry so maybe I should stop being so obsessive about what she eats and realize she's normal and will get through this and get used to her taking 35 minutes to eat a small bowl of cereal. Hhmmff. Here are some of the milestones:
-Bathes, eats, dresses, toilets independently (if you count hounding her to wash herself and policing the flushing and washing of hands to ensure it gets done, then Yes!)
-Enjoys active games and movement
-Enjoys playing noisy rhythm instruments
-Is curious about reproduction and birth (another strike against having another baby so as to put off 'splaining?)
-Begins to express more feelings in words (*Funny story- will share at the end)
-Embarrasses easily, cannot yet laugh at self
-Shows guilt over misbehavior (apologizes without being asked to more often!)
-likes independence (eh)
-Is serious and dependable
-Submits to more rules and regulations (Please? Please???)
-Takes turns playing and speaking (has gotten really a lot better at this)
-Gets along comfortably with other children (I think she could get along with a South American dictator she's so dagum charming!)
-Craves facts (ate up the mini earthquake tutorial I gave her!)
-Understands right and left on self (somehow recently she started mixing these up even though she's known them for some time- I tried to teach her a trick but not sure it will work)
-Can help with chores (she is eager to help too!)
-Can learn address and phone number (and has!)
-Engages in elaborate dramatic play (Princesses!)

I am exhausted thinking about it all. Both kids. Plus I am plain exhausted because I am a nimrod and stayed up till 1 a.m. (you heard me) watching this. That's my kind of reality tv. I couldn't turn it off when they started throwing and catching the planes. I looooove that kind of drama. Can't wait till next week!
*Funny story: Last week when we were on our own, I did take the kids out to dinner. We left just before meltdown, which should have told me something, but I wanted to take the kids to the bookstore and let them choose new books with the gift card they received for Christmas (sorry Debbie!). So in we went, and it was difficult to say the least as two kids running amok pulling books off shelves and making insane choices as is likely to happen. So we make it through, each child finally choosing an acceptable book, and head out to the car. James decides right as we get to the parking lot that he wants to play "Mom chase James through the Parking Lot" which is not my favorite game at all. Mom wants to play " Do you want to walk and hold hands or do you want Mom to carry you screaming to the car?". So we get to the car, I get the boy loaded in, and Ava asks if we can go to Dairy Queen. Needless to say, with the park and everything we had fit into the day, I was ready to be done. Also it was almost bedtime. I was done, and not thinking, so I responded "Are you kidding me? You guys were terrible at the bookstore!". I closed James' door and came around to put on Ava's seat belt and when I opened her door she said to me, "Mom, you really hurt my feelings when you said that." I stopped breathing almost. I started thinking, she was right. She didn't deserve what I had said. I swiftly apologized and explained about time and melting down and told her she could have a little treat at home when I put James down and we could revisit DQ another night. Maybe on our bikes. And she was fine with that. Funny how the books say to acknowledge their feelings, and soon enough, when you do, things do start to change for the better. She is such a big girl!

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