07 January, 2009

Snow Day

Looking back at posts from this time last year, I am amazed at the difference in attitude when it came to winter break. Even though we were in quite a bit due to inclement weather, everyone was in better spirits. I was even sad when the kids went back to school. So when we got more ice (ugh) covered with snow, I was kind of hoping for a snow day for Ava. Which I got! So we have been playing, and this morning made some cookies.
One of my favorite internet places is the Chronicle Books website. I download their podcast, with info on new books. And I even have a bookmarks folder titled "What I would buy from Chronicle Books with unlimited funds on an impulse shopping jag" filled with their treats. Christmas goodies for my kids and their cousin came from this place. It's magical. It's one of my happy places. One of the gifts for Ava came from this site, and with a cold and icy day (snow we could take on and walk up to the library, but ice???) it seemed like a perfect day for baking. So we rifled through the recipes and came up with the raisin oatmeal cookies. Everyone helped with the ingredient gathering, measuring, and mixing. Everyone also helped in the taste testing. We will be having an official tea party after naps, with invitations and placecards, made by our resident artist Ava, featuring these cookies. They. are. tasty. The best part was the three of us in aprons and hands in and laughing. These simple memories are the ones I want them to hold in their hearts, maybe sometimes when they have a cookie.

1 comment:

just jen said...

"these simple memories are the ones i want them to hold in their hearts, maybe sometimes when they have a cookie."

:::wiping a tear:::