28 January, 2009

Busy Bees

So far this morning, and it's currently 8:21 a.m., we've sent PJ (the birthday boy) to the store for Sprite, seen him off to work, found out we have a snow day due to the at least 5 inches of snow we got last night, shoveled the porch and front walkway which you can't really see because it is still snowing, and found out that James is sick. I can't wait to see what the rest of the day brings. Off for more coffee now. Maybe snow blower later, although PJ said he'd give me a lesson because I've never used it. Good thing there's no Bailey's to spike my coffee with. Poor children.

1 comment:

just jen said...

Oh, man. I'm so sorry. Seems like a good day for movie mania? Wish I was there. I'd bring you Baileys. :)