25 July, 2008

A Little Free Association re: Mad Men!

This weekend is choc full of stuff to do. PJ golfing. Ava's first sleepover. James needs a haircut. Bills to pay. Laundry to do. But what I will be doing with complete quiet and no interruptions at 10 p.m. on Sunday evening is watching Mad Men on AMC. Last Sunday they ran a marathon of last season, of which I had to watch a bit to catch up. PJ watched a little with me and asked me why I liked it. I stared at the screen with a little bit of drool at the corner of my mouth and said "prrrettttyyy!". Really. But it's so much more. The characters are amazing. Betty Draper trying to fit into her life as a housewife and not sure how to do it. Going to a therapist and finding out he's talking to her husband behind her back. Her beautiful philandering husband who is not who he says he is. Literally secret identity. Which is found out by the nefarious Pete. Who messes around with the up and coming Peggy who has to fit in with the boys as she works her way out of the secretarial pool and into the boys club of copywriters who resent her and objectify her. And she gets pregnant! And refuses to even acknowledge the baby! Will she tell the slithery Pete who is getting pressure from the little missus and inlaws to procreate of his son? And Roger Sterling who is still charming even when he is drinking vodka with the cream his doctor ordered to help his ulcers and being misogynistic. And Joan! That woman is nearly thirty and a knockout. Not married yet, although she could have anyone she wants (and does have Roger Sterling for a while) but enjoys the power she wields. And what I would give for her wardrobe! And so much more! And of course, on top of that, there's the preeeetttttyyyyyy. Really pretty. Set in 1960. Great show. Watch it with me, won't you?

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