07 January, 2008

Just a new post

Not much new around here, I just didn't want the Don Schmidt post to be the last one there staring at me every day saying, "When are you going to post?". Now this will be the post to say that. Great. The new Vanity Fair arrived today with Harrison Ford and Shia leBoeuf on the cover for the new Indiana Jones movie. I am a big fan of Vanity Fair. Refined trashiness with thought provoking articles as well. And movie stars. In a good way, mostly.
I am ready for Ava to go back to school as her anger is increasing daily. I think she is ready to go back to school too. I think her attitude will improve in the next few days, not get worse. I am doing my best to keep a smile on my face and make sure that she knows we love her no matter what. Even when she is looking up her forehead at me (PJ says I do that) and using a rude and angry voice. Not allowed. At all. But said with a kind voice and a request for an apology that is followed with a hug. Seriously, all the stuff I have read says to acknowledge their feelings, be sympathetic, and let them know you love them no matter what as they do their best to push the boundaries and test everything they know. But this morning when pushed and I employed suggestions from the books and her sweet voice and lovely self came back, I was stunned. Seriously. It will be worth it to keep it up. That is easier than some of the suggestions from "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" which I am sure work wonders, but make me heave to consider doing them. Acknowledge the little ones frustrations back to them in baby talk. Seriously? That is hard to imagine. We got that book when having trouble with Ava, and I could not find myself able or willing to employ that method, and here we are with her years later incorrigible. So maybe I will have to suck it up. Beats getting hit in the face with a Steve.
We got a remnant of carpet and put it down in the basement with the slide, Ava's tent, a bunch of pillows and a couple of sleeping bags, the little tv and some books and toys. The kids really enjoy being down there playing. The only problem is that Fred takes up valuable real estate right in the middle of the sleeping bag in the middle of the pillows! I will have to rig a bed for him down there. I tried to get him to lay on the extra carpet pad next to the setup, but he was reluctant. Will keep working with him as well. Maybe I don't want another child after all...
It was WARM here today- 66* supposed to be the high today. We went on a nature walk but cut it shortish as James was pretty wet from falling down. The melting snow has made for damp conditions around here with Flood Watch a keyword during the weather forecast. The good news though, is that PJ rode his bike to work today, something he has not been able to do for a while. He got a new light (the kind that flashes). The old one was held together by electrical tape, and I am all for getting all out of the life of something, but this? Safety (and I) said time for a new light. He got one that is easily 2-3 times brighter than the old one and is slightly larger as well. I watched him ride away this morning and I really do think it makes a difference.
Okay I just remembered I have a mountain of laundry downstairs. Or I guess you could say a really big hill in our room and a really really big hill in the basement. I am off to conquer it. And do a little handwashing. And measure the dining room to see if the carpet remnant in the basement could be turned into a nice rug for the dining room. Hmmm. This is our life today. More soon.

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