16 January, 2008


James, after showing an interest in the potty, has since developed a great disdain for it. However, he is well aware of a mess in his pants and alerts us to the "oop". There is a big to do with the "Oop! Oop!" and some running around wondering what to do until I get him under control and get him upstairs to get some clean pants. This morning was no different. We were playing in the basement when on the slide he sounds the alert- and getting him down the slide and up the stairs was a matter of huge proportions. First, we had to stop the alert. Then we had to get down the slide. Then, although I had grabbed a Steve, we had to go back for the other one. Then of course, we needed juice. After an hour and a half, we made it upstairs. Now he is letting me know that he is "All done!".

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