01 October, 2008


Why is it on days that I feel so lucky to be home with the kids, and keep my patience at unbelievably high levels, and do fun things with the kids (including not blogging unless they are asleep) and do extra fun pain in the neck things like watercolor, that the boy insists-despite all the fun and patience- to go on an unexplained crying and wailing jag that makes me want to hurl myself to unconsciousness from the attic window? Why? This is not the glamorous life. But it is mine.


just jen said...

at least YOU have an attic! i'm living on flat tundra over here! no bridges! one-level houses! it takes EFFORT to find some perch to fling myself from. oh, how we belong to the same club...at the zoo monday, my son, my 4 year old almost 5 first born boy, grabbed ahold of a tall bamboo tree and began to shake the hell out of it. birds flew off in fear of armegeadon (sic), feathers went everywhere (along with some droppings), and the whole "forest" of bamboo became this tsumami in the sky. women seated under the shade looked at him and then me in a sort of horror. i said, "ladies, let's not forget that children a just a chromosome shy of being orangutan." they looked at me like i had just smoked a bowl. to which i wanted to say, "suck it!"

Wild Wild West Drive said...

That's hilarious. Next time tell any wary onlookers that he's homeschooled. That's a hit too!