23 May, 2008

Updates with photos soon

Lately: Last day of school, the near end of the playset buildout project, evening margaritas (Dang the mix is almost GONE!!!), backyard mania, coming weekend garden mania, boy and dog in jail, fighting over bad purchase on ebay, etc etc etc. Will not post re: margaritas (you do NOT want to see me after a couple of those bad boys especially if PJ mixes them) but will post photos of our home and delicious children. Stay tuned!
p.s. PJ mentioned that in the picture of Ava napping it looks like Elmo (in the petnet) is watching her sleep. Pretty funny.

1 comment:

piscesgrrl said...

Hallo there,

I hopped over from Derfwad Manor after reading your comment about not ruling out homeschooling - this is just a "rah rah homeschooling!" comment. There are oodles of us out here in cyberspace for support and questions and those moments of what-the-sam-h*ll-was-I-thinking, which happen to the best and most-seasoned of us.

So anyhoo, just a howdy from a fellow Mrs. G. admirer. :-)
