28 August, 2007

Homemade Pizza (Before)

We decided to forgo the usual Friday night Marcos, as it has come to our attention how much this affects our budget. So Saturday I pulled out the trusty Americas Test Kitchen cookbook and lo and behold there was a recipe for pizza dough, and we had all the ingredients. We also had cheese in the freezer and pizza sauce in the pantry, and tomatoes from the csa which required use sooner than later, and lastly a green pepper from our garden. I started the dough right after the kids napped (super short nap, uuuuugggghhh) and we let it rise. Why I did not use the bread machine I don't know (won't make that mistake again!) and while I was trying to knead it, PJ took pity on me and took over. Ava was at the ready, waiting to get her hands gooey with the dough, and was very impatient wanting to get in on the action. She and Dad kneaded beautifully and made a great dough. Dad finished it off, and soon enough we had 2 pizzas in the oven: one cheese and one tomato and green pepper. Holy Mother of Mozzarella they were good! I was glad we made 2 because there was leftover cold pizza for lunch the next day which was just as tasty!

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