23 May, 2007

Flora and Fauna

Well we have been doing some exploring in the back yard, which is to say we have been weeding and finding new plants. There are a few things which we know, and quite a few that we do not. Thank goodness for Better Homes and Gardens New Gardening Book as my fave reference tool! We knew that we had a ton of bulbs and hosta. The hosta is too out of control now to divide- I'll have to do it next spring. There is a ton! There are quite a few daffodils and daylilies too. We knew that there were a couple of rose bushes, but this past weekend while trimming and weeding, I found another one. AND some Peonies!!! (The state flower of Indiana is the peony, and the state bird the cardinal. One of my favorite flowers and one of my favorite birds, well, I knew Indiana would maybe be okay! And bully for us that not only Indiana, but our own back yard, has both peonies and cardinals!) Also found some other flower that had been crowded by overgrown bushes and weeds, and while looking up some of the various things we have blooming, found out it was lily of the valley! It is quite beautiful and can be fragrant, and is trying to grow back there. I know now that it needs shade, so will trim those unruly bushes back there carefully.

The big bush back by the garage in the corner (which I believe is the same as the two under the living room window on the side) is viburnum. There is another bush growing behind the viburnum in the back, but I forgot about that till just now because the viburnum is that big. I will be trimming that shortly.

The little bed along side the garage is full. I am not sure of all what. There are 2 hostas flanking each end, and the middle is a mishmash of weeds, grass (the fountain grass- I think seeds from the one in the middle area blew over there) and an unknown flower. Wasn't sure if the flower was a flower at all, actually, so yesterday as I was trying to clean it up a bit tried to transplant some of the "flowers". Now I am really hoping that it takes because looking at the leaves I am pretty sure it's purple coneflower, aka echinacea. If I could have left well enough alone, I would have, but there was no way to get around them to get to the grasses, because I had to use the BIG shovel to get those out. And there is actually another one to go! I had to stop yesterday when the chickens woke up.

So now we also have under our bedroom window a bearded iris. It is purple and quite beautiful. I was looking for more, but right now it seems like only one. It is back there with all the Oregon Grapeholly. I don't mind the Grapeholly, it has yellow berries, the leaves are pretty in the autumn, and even flowers. But there is too much. I am working on trimming it back, but apparently the previous owners put the plants in their ideal growing conditions, because they are on fire. One I cut back quite a bit is showing substantial new growth. I will have to keep at it. So there will be some more trimming at Chez Thuringer and hopefully more discovery.

I was trimming the lilacs this past weekend and lamenting that they bloomed for such a short period of time. I had wanted to cut a flower and press it and send it to my mom for her birthday but by the time I sent out her package the blooms were long gone.

Attached are a few pictures of what we have growing here in the back yard. If you recognize anything, let me know. I know we will have to wait out the growing season to find out on more of this stuff as things bloom at different times. But what the heck is that tree out back? And what the heck is that mini tree in the back with the little flowers on it? I am off now back to the book!
Edited to add:
The picture of the peony is not actually mine. It is growing in our neighbors front yard, kinda on the side, and I can see it out our dining room window. There is a large group of them, and they are quite lovely. She is a self admitted non yard person, which tempts me to go out in the dark of the night and cut them and put them in a lovely vase to enjoy in the house before they decline. As I am not like that, I will be grateful that they are available for my viewing daily out the window.
Plus forgot to mention that one of the rosebushes has several blooms waiting to open! I am hoping to see some soon on the newly discovered rose bush in the back.

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