08 May, 2007

Bike Riding

Ava got a new bike a couple of weeks ago. It is quite bigger than her old bike, so she is higher off the ground. She has a hard time riding on our sidewalks though, as they are quite old and bumpy. She gets unsure of herself, and slows down, which causes her to tip on the big bumps. Also there are places that are eaten up and kind of gravelly, and she is uneasy with them as well. So when we go 'round the block, there are quite a few places where I am pushing James in the stroller (the jogger, it has bigger tires to handle the bumpiness) and pulling Ava on her bike by the handlebars. I've been trying to be patient and hopeful that she will gain some confidence, but Daddy took ACTION! He found a thing, a bike, or half a bike really, that attaches to HIS bike, and therefore they ride together. We got if for quite a deal on Ebay (of course) and he was really excited. He put it on Saturday and they went for a spin. It was a hit! I think he really likes that they can go places together- like up to the Scotts, or down to the library, anywhere really, since he does the pedalling. She helps with that occasionally, tho. Last night PJ was going to go to the gym right after work since I have yoga tonight, but called at the last minute and said he was coming home to get Ava and the bike and they could ride down to the park together. It was awesome. She really is getting some confidence, and perhaps this afternoon I'll get out the stroller and her new bike (with a basket so Baby Hop can ride along) and see how she does with the bumps. We'll see how she does!

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