17 October, 2007

I am a Bad*&^

The other day Ava and I were out in front pulling some weeds from where the bushes used to be, you know, to not be the Flagship of Blight on our street, when the schoolbus arrived. It stops just west of our house on Curdes, and usually the squeaking breaks or the squawking children wake up the girl. But since on this day she was already awake, she was just keenly observing these middle schoolers getting off the bus and going towards their homes. There were a few stragglers that stayed behind to chat loudly, and when they went off (2 in one direction, 1 in the other) they parted with the kind words, "F*+%@ing NERD!!!" at the top of their lungs. My immediate and not thought out reaction came out loudly. "HEY!!!" I yelled across the street. "I have a kid over here, do you mind keeping it down?!". The yeller looked down, and said humbly, "My bad." Now, if our house gets egged, I'll be pretty certain of the culprits, and I'll be waiting for those f*&@$ing nerds when they get off the bus.

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