29 July, 2007


The garden started out small and quaint, and is now a beautiful mass of green and yellow, and soon to be red. There are zucchini coming out of our ears, and in addition we have harvested the best cucumbers and a super yummy pepper. The tomatoes will be forthcoming soon, and there is a broccoli fighting for light and food in there too that will give food soon from what we discovered yesterday. So far we have eaten the cucumber mainly in salad, and the zucchini has been prepared just sauteed in olive oil and salt and pepper, in a super yummy bread from the America's Test Kitchen book, and in a thai-ish rice noodle dish I got from our csa group. I recently got a book from the library with a simple-ish recipe for zucchini cake- instead of frosting, tho, you put lime curd on top and between the 2 layers. I am waiting for another huge zucchini to come off the vine for that one and will let you all know how it turns out. I can say with certainty that the zucchini bread is a hit, and is REALLY good toasted and topped with a bit of peanut butter. MMMMmmmmmmm...

The garden as we see it now is quite different than these pictures here. You can no longer see the tomato cages, and the tomatoes are as tall as the fence. Also PJ had to take out the chicken wire on the sides to let the plants spread out a bit. There are tomatoes and zucchini outside of the garden, but the little dogwood tree is sharing it's space nicely, and in return I am lobbying for it to be moved to a spot better for it to grow.

Ava looooves going out to the garden with her daddy and bringing in the latest harvest. Between the garden and the csa, we have drastically cut down on the produce procured at the grocery, and I LOVE that!!!

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