11 October, 2008

Don't knock the man for doing the right thing you idiots

Last night after Bill Moyers I was channel surfing to find something to tide me over till my ball of yarn ran out (it was almost done). I landed on Keith Olberman's show, and the host (David someone- I can't remember his last name but he's the guy whose face shows almost no expression but when he speaks his mouth makes up for it) was speaking with a political observer, and they were almost making fun of McCain standing up to this crazy woman with crazy hair who, at a McCain rally, stated that she was afraid of Mr. Obama because he is a muslim. McCain politely took the microphone from her, and told her that Mr. Obama is not a muslim, is a decent man, a family man, but the two men have fundamental differences. The crowd started booing. (Am I elitist when this makes me feel better than these people?) He stood up to do the right thing, and on the MSNBC show they were commenting about the strategy- if he gives up the attack (really? Look for more on Ayers and Wright to come-I hope they hit back with Hagee, Muthee, the leader of the secessionist party and the fact the Cindy McCain continued to do business with Keating 11 years after the whole Keating 5 thing) what does he have left? How about his dignity fellas? Give the man some credit for having principles and dignity.
Now, as for questionable characters, I agree that Ayers once was one. The prosecutor for his case has recently come out saying he is surprised at the hubub this whole thing is as Mr. Ayers has worked hard to earn his status as a respectable member of the community. And the misrepresentation that Mr. Ayers and Mr. Obama had a personal relationship is a lie. But the membership in the Alaska Secessionist Movement and Pastor "Witchcraft and get Jews out of Banking" Muthee is not something to be taken lightly either. If the McCain camp doesn't want any (more) dirty laundry aired (see Troopergate report) then maybe it behooves them to dismiss the man who told reporters that if they focus on the economy then they lose and decide to look at issues. Because that is one of the few ways either man can earn peoples respect (earn it back in some instances) is if they speak to the real future and the real issues.

1 comment:

just jen said...

i almost felt sorry for mccain...sort of like you can see he's gotten worked over by his campaign and finally his soul couldn't bear the sin any more and he finally came up for air. although, i fear it's too little too late. for his campaign. but i sense that these people at these rallies might feel duped. here they've been encouraged to "expose" their hateful feelings only to find the candidate who has sort of given a greenlight to uncloset bigotry sort of smacked them down for it. these people are on camera - nationally televised - and exposed as being bigots. if i were one of them, i'd be pissed too. because they have now become a national disgrace.

ps; moyers first guest soros...scared the sh*t out of me. i thought it was curious how Kathleen Hall Jameison (sp) didn't mention she worked for the Annenburg (sp) in PA....

i got my Ellen shirt! laugh. dance. vote. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

how the heck are you?