12 April, 2009

Easter Baskets

The "Easter Bunny" left baskets for each of the kids with a few candies and a few treats. Mr. Easter Bunny was disappointed that Mrs. Easter Bunny went a teeny tiny bit overboard but was swayed by Mrs. Easter Bunny's argument that there isn't another holiday until Halloween, unless he wanted me to start celebrating all the minor ones. I love when he sees my side of things!
Anyhoo, there were color wonder marker kits, magnifying glasses for finding bugs and things outside (Ava is currently using hers to look for clues the Easter Bunny might have left behind!), stickers, matchbox cars, and a tiara, among misc. candies. The "Easter Bunny" also put some m and m's in those little plastic eggs and hid them with the decorated ones outside for all to find. It's currently a lovely day, one where I hear in my head what we proclaimed at church this a.m.- "Alleluia. He is risen. He is risen, indeed." Thank God. (literally!)

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