12 April, 2009

Basement Status

We (and by "we" I do not mean me in any way shape or form) have made a lot of progress on the basement family room. (I have made some progress in the utility/laundry room, but cannot take credit for the other.) PJ got the drywall repairs done that he wanted to finish, and told me to pick out a paint color. I agonized over the paint book for a while, and chose a light tan color. It's pretty dark down there, so I didn't want too much "color", but as you know me, I also could not have white. So PJ got the paint and got right to work. He got a no VOC at Menards that he said covered really well, and as a bonus, with no VOC there's no horrible odor. When we get the kitchen ready to paint we'll get the same stuff in the blue I found.
Ava has a great memory, and had such a great time painting her room in South Bend that she wanted to do it all over again with the basement. And our boy, about the same age Ava was when the room was painted, also was all about the painting. So PJ got the kids each a roller and put them to work. And good for all of us, we found out that the kids are hard workers and good painters! (How long till they can intern for Aunt Kathy?)
Now PJ has a couple of touch up items, and we are almost ready for carpet. I've done the taxes so that return will pay for the finishing of the basement. Next up, indoors=kitchen paint, outdoors=New Fence!!!

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