27 September, 2008

Two Quick Random Thoughts from the Debate (Really Quick)

1) Did you guys notice that McCain seemed contemptuous of Obama last night? He would not look him in the eye and was smirking a lot.
2)McCain was making a big deal about earmarks- (He even got his veto pen out as a visual aid!) and specifically the amount of money Obama has requested for his state during his years in the senate.
a)Why did Obama not bring up the millions of dollars that the lobbyist hired by Sarah Palin got for Alaska?
b) Are we to understand that not once in his 26 years (change my eye) in the Senate that McCain has not asked for one copper penny for the state of Arizona? (pun intended) Where is Fact Check on this?

1 comment:

just jen said...


i think Obama layed off of Palin...setting Biden up for the one-two counter punch...and because his campaign has been BLASTED for goign after her. he wants to keep people focused on McCain...Palin's going down well enough on her own...but the line Obama used in NC..."if you believe that, i've got a bridge in Alaska to sell ya." oh my...i almost peed my pants.