29 September, 2008

Bailout No Go

It didn't pass. I, for one, am glad. Not because I look forward to an economic catastrophe, but because it didn't go far enough. There was no REAL oversight, and big payouts were still available to retiring/dismissed executives. More republicans voted no than democrats:

Ample no votes came from both the Democratic and Republican sides of the aisle. More than two-thirds of Republicans and 40 percent of Democrats opposed the bill. (MSNBC.com)

However, thank Goodness for John McCain. He "suspended" his campaign for what, 24 hours? To "take care" of the economic crisis. He graciously (insert smirk here) debated Obama, then returned to his Capitol Hill office to continue his efforts in "leading" which equaled making some phone calls. And, apparently, unsuspending the campaign as he's in Ohio today. If John McCain wants Americans to believe he is a great leader, then he needs to a) read the proposed bill, and b) get people to work together in his self described talents at bipartisanship. If the bill sucks, make it better. If it's good, convince the people. Don't talk smack about Obama sitting on the sidelines when you are losing a golden opportunity to be seen as a leader, not the scary joke that you've been showing us this last week.

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