19 April, 2009

Sunday, Lovely Sunday...

Yesterday was just about THE perfect weather. Sunny and mid 70's. The kids played outside all day (of course but for naps) and I attacked some of the vinca that is growing out of the wasteland. PJ golfed, and came home in the afternoon for help on the finishing touches. We decided (or should I say I decided) that depending on the weather, I wanted to participate in the river cleanup going on down here at the Maumee. So I talked PJ into it (the only thing I think he was motivated to do beyond church was some nothing) and we hopped onto the bikes and headed down to the river. The meeting place was not at all far from our house. The only downer was that it was downhill all the way, which meant I was pulling James uphill all the way home. But it sprinkled on and off, and we got to the meeting point where the organizers had everything set out so great. We were handed some seeds for spreading, a trash pincher picker upper and we had some garbage bags so we headed out. We found some interesting stuff, but the best thing we found was on the way back- two downy woodpeckers! We also saw some deer tracks and a log that had been chewed to a point by a beaver. Pretty awesome. We took the opportunity to talk to the kids about the earth, and how we should take care of it. That this was important work but we don't need to just do it once a year- we can come anytime and explore and pick up trash. The experience also affirmed my commitment to do local(ish) nature walks at least once a month. There are so many opportunities around here at local preserves and parks, and after todays exploration the kids are fired up. And an interesting side effect of the experience today is that there was so much trash I notice laying around now. Riding home on our bikes we could have stopped a few times each block to pick something up. Even on Forest Park Blvd! So now we are committed to keeping firm on the clean planet pledge and pick up what we see so we don't go back to not seeing it. Does that make sense? And now I am off to find some tiger balm for my legs- coming home uphill reminded me why I can't do a spin class!

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