29 March, 2009

Early Spring

We have decided that spring has sprung earlier this year than it did last. Never mind that we have snow in the forecast for this evening, and a roaring fire in the fireplace (at James' request, wha??) right now. As March is still happening, I would say that we have gotten a bunch of yard work done and a bunch of outside playtime done already this year, which is an improvement over 2008. One thing we have learned this year is that the boy spends most of his indoor time YEARNING to be outside. When it is cloudy and 50 and windy, he will get in my face, point out the window, and declare, "But MOM, it's NICE outside!" when I balk at going anywhere besides my comfy chair.
With the retention pond (soon to be rain garden) posing such a big temptation (I watch them out the kitchen window throwing dirt globs into the big hole) I don't like them out there by themselves, but they have been good kids and learned that if they don't stay away from the hole they are coming inside and mom means BUSINESS. Anyway, long story short, we have enjoyed quite a few lovely days playing outside. Fred loves this too, as the kids will occasionally find a stick for him to chew. We've been keeping an eye out for Mama Cardinal who built a nest in the tall bushy thing up against the back of the house (outside our room). We were afraid she would abandon it once we got out there but PJ said he peeked into the nest the other day and saw a red tail feather- she was in there with her eggs. Needless to say we are keeping an eye out for her, staying the heck away and making sure others do too, and watching for Daddy Cardinal who sometimes keeps watch from the pear tree nearby. Ahh, nature.

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