06 March, 2007

New addition to the family

So as James crawls frantically around the house looking for a playmate in the Belly and gets rewarded with growls, I got the idea that we should have a new family member. For James and Belly both. So onto the internet I went, eventually finding a rescue shelter about an hour or so from here that took in a group of pups that were now 9 months old. Shepherd collie mix from what they can gather. After discussing our needs with the lady that runs the rescue, it was determined that of all the litter Fred was the best match. He was the calmest, and most apt to be okay with Belly being in charge. We went to meet him and he really was super sweet. He and James clicked immediately. We brought him home. While I'd like to say that we have had zero "accidents" that is not true, though if I am really diligent about letting them out every couple of hours there's no problem. He also likes to chew, and that includes Ava's kitchen toys, wood and plastic both, and Ava's pet friends that he gets for himself by climbing onto her chair. So while we are working on the bathroom etiquette and determining which toys are his and ok to chew on versus hers and most defenitely not, I think he is settling in quite nicely. He really wants to play which Belly is controlling. He thinks James is part of his pack and wants to play with him too, so we have to really watch so he doesn't get too rough, but they really are sweet together. When we get James up from his nap Fred comes with us and James will make his happy grunt to greet Fred. Belly is starting to come around and play a bit more often, so I think we are going to be good. So everyone it is my pleasure to introduce Frederick Johann Thuringer!

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