15 February, 2007


Tuesday we had a snow day for Ava's school as it was coming down with quite a bit more on the way. All day Tuesday it snowed. PJ and Ava went out and did the snowblower at about 7 p.m. and by the morning with the additional snow and wind blowing it about you could hardly see their hard work! (Daddy's snowblowing and Ava's footprints in the yard). They shut down the city. Literally, non essential employees did not have to report to work, so PJ took advantage of the time to take himself snowboarding. He came back kinda early because he had promised to take Ava sledding with his friend Dave and Dave's son Jaia. She had a BLAST !!! Dad brought home one tired chicken and a picture on the camera. It wouldn't surprise me if she asked to go every day.

We braved the roads today to get Ava to school, as it was her class Valentine's Day party. We got Maisy valentines at the dollar store and candy bracelets (just smaller versions of the candy necklaces) for her class. I think it says a lot that in the box there were something like 42 valentines, and we needed only 10. I thank God that she is in private school and not getting lost in a huge classroom. Will update when I get the word from Ava on the party!

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