09 June, 2010


So the Big Four Oh just whizzed by. Technically, I am in my forties. Over. The. Hill. But Herr Thuringer salved the wound by purchasing a big surprise prezzie for the big day. An ipod touch. Holy crap was that ever a whopper. A good present from Peege is no shocker, but this specific one was. Bigger than anticipated. It's so fun. As a thank you I cleared out my little ipod (the nano he got me for xmas a few years ago!) and put on his song library. Now he can rock through his days. And I can rock, podcast, look at pictures, watch youtube videos, check the weather, check and send emails, etc. etc. etc. So if I am not around these parts for a little while, please understand and be patient. School is out, I have two chickens in sports, and a shiny new toy to play with.

The Old Lady
photo courtesy of Google Images

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