07 January, 2009


Last night, I was feeling all superior after explaining to PJ what an octogenarian was. I decided to go to bed, but seconds later my brain was inundated with a television theme song. I could not figure it out. It was driving me crazy. I knew that it was a show from the '80's, that it wasn't Dallas or Magnum, and that PJ would know. I was reluctant to let go of my smugness and ask for help, but the song was relentless and I was coming undone. I went to PJ and asked for help. I had a song in my head. I needed it out.* I told him it was a theme song, from the '80's, and it was a man requirement to watch the show so I knew he would have the answer. I did the first four notes, three of which are the same, and I saw he knew it at two. I got the answer, and therefore got the song out of my head. I can only hope to have this dear man by my side if I'm an octogenarian.**
*sometimes, when his alarm goes off with the radio station it's programmed to, I get an awful song in my head. the only relief seems to be another, somewhat less awful song.
**conversation immediately following took a depressing turn noting that I am almost half way there.

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