02 June, 2008

The Playset is Finished (ish*)

Well, the playset is as finished as it is going to be for a while. And it is as finished as it needs to be! The ish* in the title refers to a 2 person swinglike apparatus that isn't on as it crowds the swings, so we will put on a longer top beam and make more space for the swinging. The kids are having a BLAST on this thing! They both go up the rock wall and climb the ladder with skill. The slide goes pretty fast, especially for James, but he looooves it. The kids take their afternoon snacks and water up to the tower and eat and drink before hurling them selves down the slide again. Its pretty safe to say that they love it! We put the table and chairs back outside so we can all be out and enjoy the weather and play. It's pretty awesome. Thanks Daddy!!!!!

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