27 May, 2008

The End of an Era

Thursday last was Ava's final day of preschool. This was celebrated with a Funfest for the kids during their schoolday, and a picnic following. PJ took the morning off work (time spent at the closing Home Depot :sob: shopping for bargains of which we found a few) and we packed up some lunch and the picnic blanket and the boy and off we went. It was fun, and Ava was so excited. She had been kind of "off" for a few days before, and I wasn't sure if that was because she realized school was over for the year and she would be without her friends for a few months. We treated her gently, and hopefully the suggestions of "We should get together this summer..." will be followed through. She loves the kids in her class (with the exception of a few boys who hit her and claim her as their girlfriend!) and I know will miss them. So perhaps we will see a couple of them over the summer. James enjoyed chasing the kids around too- they both ran so hard that they barely made it home before passing out from exhaustion. It was awesome to see so many families there, and I was so grateful that PJ could be there for her. I think it really was important to her that he was there to share it with her. And the weather could not have been more perfect. All in all, a really good last day of preschool.

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